Pune Expat Club & Lexagent in association with Puravankara Ltd. organized the Puravankara Kite Fest on the spectacular occasion of ‘Republic Day’, 26th January 2018, at the prestigious Oxford Golf Resort, Pune.
It was a day to remember! The international community from 25+ countries rubbed shoulders with the social elites of Pune and dotted the Pune skyline with kites of different hues, shapes, colors, enthusiasm &
Child-like excitement at Puravankara Kite Fest 2018. And what better than India’s Republic Day to assimilate and kick-start celebrations for the first cultural festival of the calendar year.
The skillful flyers proudly displayed their abilities and showcased their high-flying acquisitions. Children enthusiastically participated in kite-making workshops and created aerodynamic birds and airplanes and thereafter decorated them in their unique styles. Friends of Jeetu & Ripple surprised the couple by designing a special kite that soared high wishing them a happy marriage anniversary. Irrespective of their nationalities, happy children were ferrying the tri-colored pin-wheels. Kids Corner provided bowling, arts and crafts, coloring, and STEM activities.
Thirty-two families got lucky and won stay vouchers, meal vouchers, and more from premium establishments every hour. Get Framed! a unique concept, helped visitors capture memories with friends and family in the gorgeous & scenic Oxford Golf Resort, which provided the perfect backdrop for
the beautiful kites that danced enthusiastically in the magical winds. “The Kite Fest made a record of 1600+ enthusiasts enjoying the heavenly surroundings watching the kite show reflecting the colorful culture of India’s Kite Festival to a mix of expat community showcasing the love and passion and culture of our country,” said Mr. Anil Seolekar, Chairman, Oxford Group.
The Puravankara Kite Fest 2018, has brought glory to this cherished festival and it will forever change the way Puneites celebrate the high-flying tradition.