Lex Visas


Christmas sale for Skill Enhancement

Our wonderful team came together to participate in the silent auction during Christmas initiated by Lex Visas and the funds raised have been joyfully donated to Cause to Connect Foundation, supporting their mission to empower economically and socially backward youth through skill training programs. The Lex Visas team visited the “Hunnar Gurukul” at Garade Village, Pune, and spent a day at the beautiful complex built by their “Sena”, which is what the youth is referred to in the Gurukul.

Cause to Connect believes that skill-building platforms for youth & skill education for adolescents will make a difference & guide them to live a dignified life. There is a need to build platforms that work with the most deprived youth by providing the knowledge, imbibing the skills, and building the mindsets that enable them to create livelihoods for themselves and live a life of their choice. Cause to Connect works towards creating similar platforms & awareness about the skill for adolescents.